Spiral Dynamics® deals with biopsychosocial systems -- core adaptive intelligences which mix and merge within individuals, organizations, and societies. They are BOTH of nature and of nurture. Human biology and evolutionary forces shape some of our capacities. Life experiences and the energy of the milieu cause those capacities to awaken, ebb, and flow. Without latent capacities, the world outside has nothing to trigger. Without the stimuli from outside, systems within may not have cause to be awakened. It is the focus on interactions between Life Conditions -- the "real" world in which the person/group must exist -- and Mind/Brain systems -- the accessible neurobiological equipment -- which sets SD apart from many other theories and models.

Dr. Graves frequently made the point that his levels of existence theory depicts "ways of thinking about a thing," not categories for or types of persons. Yet we frequently hear trainers and students talking about "4's and 5's" or "those Red's" or "that kind of person." As Graves would say, that is finding simplicity which is not there. While the shorthand language may be useful at times, it can easily sharpen lines which do not exist and paint false pictures. Beware of typological categories and rigid boxes -- most are only delusions with false bottoms.

On this site and in much of the literature, there is discussion of the eight core vMEMEs or value systems. That is somewhat misleading.

Graves' Letters SD Colors #
A-N Beige 1
B-O Purple 2
C-P Red 3
D-Q Blue 4
E-R Orange 5
F-S Green 6
G-T (or A'-N') Yellow 7
H-U (or B'-O') Turquoise 8

Remember that each level of human existence includes Entering, Nodal, and Exiting states. The eight colors (in SD language), the numbers 1 through 8, or even Graves' original letter-pair sequence describe only the Nodal states, the hypothetical peak of the curve. In point of fact, most energy is invested on the sides of the curve, not its peak. Those are the Entering and Exiting phases where the energies of previous or upcoming systems impinge on the thinking. Graves used upper and lower case letters to symbolize the relative energy impacting the system and we have held to that convention. Compare this table with the one above...

Graves' Letters SD Colors #
A-N/b-o BEIGE/purple  
a-n/B-O beige/PURPLE
B-O/c-p PURPLE/red  
b-o/C-P purple/RED
C-P/d-q RED/blue  
c-p/D-Q red/BLUE
D-Q/e-r BLUE/orange


See Descriptions of Terminology for a complete table

During the Entering phase there are still active elements of previous existence problems and coping means. During the Exiting phase the first signs of the inadequacy of the present system and greater complications ahead rear their heads.

The Gravesian systems generally exist in combination, in blends, in admixtures. There is often a dominant system from either the expressive or sacrificial (warm or cool) family with a secondary from the other family, then one or two additional systems in the profile. You can think of these as onions with systems layering around a core or as stacks and clusters in which priorities form a hierarchy. The dominant system is the first way of thinking about the thing, then other systems follow in turn. "The most important thing..." is an indicator of the top system; "...but of course, there's also..." would mark a secondary, etc. The appearance of separateness is more a function of graphics than theory.

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SO, be sure to consider these points...

  •  there are not types of people, there are systems in people
  •  systems are rarely discrete
  •  the Spiral is a continuum, not a staircase with only eight steps
  •  beware of finding simplicity which is not there
  • Graves' levels represent ways of thinking about a thing, not a kind of person

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