Spiral Dynamics in Action

What began as Dr. Graves’ quest to identify the nature of mankind has evolved into a practical tool for observing, anticipating and understanding our perplexing and sometimes conflicting human nature.

Why? Because Spiral Dynamics® training conveys principles that grant human beings the right to be who they are, a window to see how they might be, and a map to find where others are.

Contents in Spiral Dynamics® programs can be adapted to complement other ways of knowing—from strategic approaches to personal growth. Using Spiral Dynamics® tools:

  • Business people can understand organizational culture and change with more finesse.
  • Consultants can better work with clients in transition and maximize those at stability.
  • Educators can design learning that makes better sense with more relevance to learners.
  • Parents and children can begin to recognize each other’s needs and viewpoints.
  • Managers can address human factors dilemmas because the Spiral provides you a language that reaches far beyond the usual demographics.
  • Marketers can reach potential customers with messages that resonate.
  • Health care providers can partner with patients more effectively.
  • Religious leaders can tailor their efforts to serve a range of groups simultaneously.
  • Average people can find comfort in what sometimes feels like an incomprehensible world.
SPIRAL DYNAMICS® is a trademark owned by NVCC.           © Copyright 2000-2006 NVC Consulting. All Rights Reserved.
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